Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Arrange the numbers from smaller to greater:

1.   Arrange the numbers from smaller to greater:
      a)   272, 225, 268, 246, 284, 210
             Smaller to greater: 210, 225, 246, 268, 272,284
      b)   258, 259, 250, 260, 253, 254
             Smaller to greater: 250, 253, 254, 258, 259, 260
      c)    221, 231, 261, 131, 241, 134
      Smaller to greater: 131, 134, 221, 231, 241, 261
      d)   268, 246, 272, 210, 279, 225
      Smaller to greater: 210, 225, 246, 268, 272, 279
      e)    277, 267, 253, 260, 130, 299
             Smaller to greater: 130, 253, 260, 267, 277, 299

2.   Arrange the numbers from greater to smaller:
      a)   256, 292, 288, 245, 230, 278
             Greater to smaller: 292, 288, 278, 256, 245, 230
      b)   290, 299, 291, 289, 295, 292
             Greater to smaller: 299, 295, 292, 291, 290, 289
      c)    271, 215, 105, 300, 251, 101
             Greater to smaller: 300, 271, 251, 215, 105, 101
      d)   245, 270, 255, 295, 288, 145
             Greater to smaller: 295, 288, 270, 255, 245, 145
      e)    138, 268, 185, 137, 286, 300
             Greater to smaller: 300, 286, 268, 185, 138, 137

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